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FM 200 Fire Suppression System & Its Usage

FM 200 Fire Suppression System

The FM 200 fire suppression system introduces a colorless, odorless compressor gas stored in liquid form. Upon release, it changes into a clear, non-conductive vapor form that does not affect visibility at all. 

More importantly, the gas is clean, and leaving no residue. The low level of toxicity makes it safe for use in occupied spaces without the risk of oxygen deprivation. It efficiently extinguishes fires both physically and chemically.

Table of Contents

What is an FM 200 Fire Fighting System?

FM-200 is a clean agent, HFC-227ea, for suppression of fires of Class A, B, and C. It will extinguish fires in occupied spaces quickly without leaving behind any residue that could be harmful, in compliance with NFPA Standard 2001 for clean agent fire extinguishing systems.

Fm-200 System Working Principle

FM-200 System Working Principle

FM-200 extinguishes a fire by breaking the fire triangle. The fire triangle has three sides, 1) heat, 2) oxygen, and 3) fuel.

By eliminating one of these elements, the fire is extinguished. 

FM-200 cools the heat and suppresses radicals, interrupting the fire triangle’s chemical reaction to control the fire

Agent fire suppression systems like ones using FM-200™ can achieve fire extinguishing concentrations in 10 seconds or less

Advantages of FM 200 Fire Suppression Systems

FM-200 is a clean agent, non-toxic and non-corrosive, and safe for people. Therefore, FM-200 fire suppression systems can be fitted for occupied space applications.

When activated to extinguish a fire, FM-200 leaves no residue and will not harm equipment, electronics, or machinery.

Compared to other clean agents like 3M Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid, FM-200 is relatively inexpensive.

Because less FM-200 is required to suppress a fire, fewer and smaller cylinders will be needed compared to other agents such as 3M Novec 1230 fluid.

Disadvantages of FM 200

Compared to all other clean agents, FM 200 is found to have a little higher global warming potential.

Even though FM-200 does not contain Halon gas, the suppression action still relies on Hydrofluorocarbons, HFC, which makes it less environmentally friendly than the other clean agents.

What is the Chemical Name for FM 200 Gas?

FM-200 is chemically known as 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane. This colorless, compressed gas is also identified as hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) 227ea.

Manufactured by Chemours and trademarked as FM 200, it serves as an effective replacement for Halon fire suppression systems.

FM-200 systems operate by pressurizing the gas with nitrogen and discharging it as a colorless agent to extinguish fires.

FM-200 Gas Safety

FM-200 is generally considered safe for use in occupied spaces when handled and installed according to manufacturer guidelines.

While low in toxicity, it’s essential to note potential hazards:

  • High concentrations: Inhaling excessive amounts can lead to symptoms like headache, dizziness, and loss of coordination.
  • Liquid contact: The liquid form can cause frostbite due to rapid cooling.  

It’s crucial to follow manufacturers’ recommendations for safe handling, installation, and use of FM-200™ systems. Proper training and adherence to safety protocols are vital to minimize risks.

FM 200 vs. 3M Novec 1230: A Comparison

Both FM-200 and 3M Novec 1230 fluid are effective, clean agent fire suppression systems suitable for occupied spaces and sensitive equipment. However, there are key differences:

Chemical Composition

  • FM-200: A hydrofluorocarbon (HFC).  
  • 3M Novec 1230: A fluoroketone.

Storage and Discharge

  • FM-200: Stored as a compressed liquefied gas and discharged as a gas.  
  • 3M Novec 1230: Stored as a liquid and discharged as a gas.

System Size

  • FM-200: Generally requires smaller cylinders due to higher efficiency.
  • 3M Novec 1230: May require larger or more cylinders to protect the same area.

Environmental Impact

  • Both have zero ozone depletion potential (ODP).  
  • 3M Novec 1230 has a significantly lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) than FM-200.

In summary, while both agents are effective, the choice between FM-200 and 3M Novec 1230 often depends on factors such as the size of the area to be protected, environmental concerns, and budget.

Is FM 200 fire supression system dangerous to humans?

FM200 is globally recognized as a clean agent, making it entirely safe for use in occupied spaces. This enhanced security of the FM200 fire suppression system is substantiated by a decade of real-world experience and rigorous scientific validation and studies.

Beyond its superior fire safety properties, FM200 is environmentally friendly, preserving the ozone layer and minimizing atmospheric impact compared to the devastating consequences of fire.

The FM200 fire suppression system is a proven solution deployed in over 100 thousand applications across more than 70 nations worldwide.

Applications of FM200 Fire Suppression Systems

FM200 systems are ideal for protecting a vast array of environments. They are commonly found in data centers, server rooms, telecommunications facilities, medical institutions, archives, clean rooms, and spaces housing robotic equipment, media, historical artifacts, and flammable liquids.

FM 200 Cylinder Price in Pakistan

The price of an Automatic FM 200 Cylinder in Pakistan fluctuates based on market conditions. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, please contact us directly.

FM 200 Fire Suppression System: FAQs

FM 200 fire suppression systems offer space-saving advantages compared to carbon dioxide systems due to their significantly smaller agent storage requirements. Moreover, these systems can be safely installed in areas occupied by personnel.

FM-200 is a gas. It’s stored as a compressed liquefied gas but is discharged as a gas when the fire suppression system is activated.

Yes, FM-200 is safe for people.FM-200 is a non-toxic gas that quickly puts out fires without damaging electronics. It’s safe for people to breathe and works well in enclosed spaces, making it ideal for protecting sensitive equipment like computers.

Get Help from GreenTech Solutions

Our expert team can help you choose the right system like the FM 200 suppression system for your specific needs, ensuring your property and occupants are protected. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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