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Fire Alarm System For Factory in Pakistan: Ensure Safety & Compliance

Are you worried about the  safety of your business? Well, it is a concern because fire outbreaks are damaging and highly dangerous. 

To ensure the safety and protection of the factory and workforce, you need to invest in a reliable fire alarm system for business

It is not only a legal and insurance requirement, but it is also your moral and ethical obligation. Overall, it is lifesaver!

We at Green Tech Solutions provide the best, most durable, and most affordable solutions. Contact Green Tech today for more details and information!

Fire Alarm System in Factory

How does a fire alarm system work?

This system has many components, such as smoke detectors, sensors, and heat detectors. These devices are installed at various locations around the industry and are connected to the main panel. 

As soon as it issues an alert or signal, people are informed that there is a risk of a fire outbreak. This early detection helps prevent uncontrolled damage.

Why are fire protection systems crucial for factories?

These  devices work like superheroes. They detect fire before the outbreak, enabling them to send out signals and alarms to alert the factory’s workers and staff. This allows them to handle the situation more efficiently and quickly. 

Moreover, its installation in industry is a legal requirement as per the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, or NFPA.

Benefits of Fire Fighting Systems in Industries

There are multiple benefits to installing these systems in various industries. Some of them are mentioned below:

Benefits of Fire Fighting Systems in Industries

1. Quick Response

It detects a fire before the actual outbreak. This enables people to escape, cover, or control the fire damage. 

Having such devices in an industry or business enables you to elicit a quick response in case of fire outbreaks.

2. Legal Requirement

Installation of a fire fighting system in industries is a legal requirement as per Pakistan’s fire safety codes for buildings. 

If your factory or industry lacks a working and functioning fire safety devices , it will result in serious penalties.

3. Insurance Requirement

Insurance of this system is required in your factory, too. If, for example, there is a fire outbreak in your building or office, you would be granted insurance money only if you have a fire alarm system in the industry.

4. Builds Relationships with Staff

This promotes very healthy and good relations with your workforce. It made them feel safe, secure, and cared for.

If you do not have a fire alarm system in your industry, then there would be a hanging danger in the air of related incidents.

5. Promotes Peace of Mind

There is a higher chance of fire incidents in factories and industries. Installing fire alarms will keep you at peace. 

Additionally, your workers will be able to focus on designated tasks. Otherwise, they will dwell on the thought of what if the fire breaks out.

Fire Protection in Industry

Industries are more at risk of fire, sometimes because of human errors and sometimes because of faulty electric work

In any case, it can put your and your workers’ lives at great risk. To ensure fire safety, you should keep a strict check on all the safety rules and regulations. 

Moreover, it is always advised that your staff and workers be trained for any unanticipated mishap.

Causes of Fire Risk in Industries

Flammable Material

Compressed Gas

Kitchens/ Smoking Ares

Hot Work

Electrical Faults

Stored Goods

Fire Risk in Factories



Poor Training

If your staff is not trained or drilled for fire outbreaks, then it might cause you a lot of damage.

Train your workforce for any unanticipated incident to minimize the consequences.

Flammable Material

The factories are more at risk because they have a large stock of explosive or sensitive materials.

Electric Mishaps

The slightest electrical fault or mishap can result in big damage. 

Heavy Machinery

In industries, heavy machinery is frequently used. This can also enhance the fire risk. 

Different Types of Fire Alarm Systems for Factories

There are multiple different kinds of these alarms available for factories and industries. Research the types and decide which best suits you.

Following are the three main available types:

1. Conventional Fire Alarms

Conventional devices  create zones within a building. The alarm dashboard shows the zone in which a detector in that zone is set off but not the precise location of the fire.

2. Addressable Fire Alarms

Addressable fire alarms can precisely locate a fire or other malfunction. Because every component in the system has a specific address, the control panel can determine its exact location.

3. Wireless Fire Alarms

Wireless systrms only require a little cabling because they interact with one another via radio frequency. They are perfect for retrofitting buildings and are simple to install.

Different Types of Fire Alarm Systems for Factories

What do you need to do for fire safety in factories?

1. Employee Training

All staff members should receive regular fire safety training to inform them about related dangers, evacuation protocols, and how to use extinguishers correctly. 

2. Effective Fire Fighting Devices

The Installation and upkeep of dependable systems for factories comprising of the following is crucial:

3. Risk Assessment

Identifying possible fire threats in the workplace by routine risk assessments and putting precautions in place to lessen the risk. 

False Alarm Protection



Advanced Detection Technology

Utilizes sophisticated sensors and algorithms to differentiate between genuine fire hazards and common false alarm triggers like cooking smoke or steam, ensuring that alarms are only triggered in genuine emergencies.

Verification Processes

Requires multiple detectors to activate or utilize confirmation signals from multiple sensors to verify a fire event, reducing the likelihood of false alarms caused by a single sensor malfunction or transient environmental conditions.

User Education

Educates users on the proper use and maintenance of fire devices, reducing false alarms caused by human error, such as accidental activation or improper handling of fire alarm equipment.

Maintenance and Testing

Regularly maintains and test fire alarm devices to ensure all components are in working order, minimizing false alarms caused by equipment malfunctions or failures.

Alarm Delay

Introduces a brief delay before sounding the alarm, allowing for verification or cancellation of the alarm if it is triggered accidentally, helping to prevent unnecessary disruptions and emergency service deployments.

Our Affiliate Brands and Their Features



Firewell Limited

An advanced system using digital communication

Honeywell VESDA

Sophisticated devices with a range of sensor 

Esser by Honeywell

Latest IQ8 control panels and devices 


Intelligent Fire Alarm devices with addressable detectors, and  modules 

Fire Alarm System in the Factory: FAQ

The 3 main types of  these devices are:

  1. Conventional 
  2. Wireless 
  3. Addressable

The basic components of a fire detection system include:

  • Smoke detectors
  • Sensors
  • Heat detectors

These devices are installed at various locations around the industry and are connected to the main panel.

Wrapping Up

In sum, your fire alarm system in the factory should be reliable. This would ensure the safety and protection of workers and property and fulfill legal and insurance requirements. 

With over ten years of experience, the professionals at Green Tech Solutions are highly knowledgeable and competent in installation, testing, inspection, and maintenance services of such devices.